The fine threads of trust that keep the Internet together

The chaotic, and self-governing nature of the Internet is truly a wonderful global networking marvel! It should be at the top of one of the 'Seven Wonders Of the World' Lists! Blogs and newsfeeds rattle with discussion on what the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in its' capacity as chief regulatory agency on telecommunications, is trying to achieve or not achieve with Internet regulation. In the midst of this uncertainty it is great to see human nature, the spirit of co-operation, and just good down-to-earth network engineering talent, that goes into fixing broken 'Internet things', such as the induced error by an Indonesian ISP's BGP route advertisements last week that affected Google for 30 minutes.

The link that follows looks at the identification and resolution of the problem from a data packet analysis, network engineering perspective, so if you are a keen network troubleshooter add some of the lessons here to your skill-set toolbox -